The Real Meaning of Hair In Dreams: It’s Probably Not What You Think

In dreaming, as in life, our hair can symbolize different aspects of ourselves and people we care about. From appearance to achievement, sexuality to passion, the meaning of hair has immense significance. Let’s look at some hair dreams and what to make of them

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    Hair Dream Meanings Revealed

    Dreams of hair and self-image

    Hair in dreams can represent your basic self-image. We often worry about the way our hair looks to others and how it reflects back on us. In our dreams, hair can reflect how we feel about ourselves.

    Often we struggle with self-image and failing to feel attractive because this can be an ongoing personal struggle for a lot of us. Dreams about hair seem to play out that struggle in some way or another.

    When the dreamer feels they have luscious long hair and they feel amazing, they are actually feeling good about themselves and their appearance in general. Or you may feel like you aren’t good enough or aren’t attractive enough. The dream is a way to explore that fear in a safe place as hair most likely represents an aspect of yourself or personal appearance that needs attention.

    Self-confidence (or lack thereof)

    Dreaming about hair often relates to self-confidence. For some people, when they dream of great hair, they feel good about themselves, their appearance and their body. But if they are dreaming of horrible hair – like the whole thing is falling out – then this can be a reflection of low self-confidence. Dreaming about hair might have something to do with how you feel about your physical appearance and whether you are comfortable with how you came out in the genetic lottery.

    If you have some kind of problem with your hair in your dream, as in a haircut or an unwanted hairstyle, that might point to some anxiety or self-doubts. You may be concerned about the way you look to yourself and how other people see you. You’re not sure how others see you and are concerned about how you appear to the world – socially, physically, professionally. It’s also a sign that you care too much about what others think.

    A symbol of your personal growth

    Often people dream of hair as a reflection of their personal growth. This is particularly true when you dream of cutting hair. This is usually a symbol of growth and advancement in your life.

    When the dreamer is happy with their appearance, they are feeling good about themselves and what they have achieved in life!

    Dreaming about hair can also be a sign that you’re looking for a change, or reaching for something out there that you want to achieve. Or maybe you’re setting goals or working toward some bigger change in your life but it takes time and effort before things start to move forward.

    Hair as a symbol of passion and sexuality

    Our hair can be a symbol of our sensuality and sexual desire. It can symbolize the desire for love and affection from others, or attraction and sex. When you dream of beautiful hair, you may be exploring thoughts and feelings around passion, love and sexuality.

    You may be trying to heal old wounds or engage in a passionate relationship. Dreaming about hair and sexuality can also mean you are scared of your own desires in this area. A dream about hair may be a sign that you are feeling unattractive or unappealing while dreaming or sleeping is an opportunity to explore this aspect of your own story

    Hair in dreams and vitality

    Dreams about hair can also be a reflection of your physical health. Hair loss is a common dream image and can be taken in many different ways. The dreamer may be worried about their health or they may be focused on gaining or losing weight if that’s what their hair means to them. There are tons of symbols for weight and appearance so your mind will explore it in the language it knows best, which just happens to be the symbolism of hair!

    Dreaming about hair can also reflect problems with stress and anxiety. These types of issues often surface in dreams as physical symptoms, like hair loss.

    Hair dream scenarios and their interpretation

    Dreams about losing your hair

    Dreams about losing your hair or having thinning hair can mean more than just worrying about losing physical attributes. It is often a deeper issue that relates to how we feel about ourselves and how others will judge us. For example, men who have these dreams may be feeling insecure in their positions or careers. This can also be a sign that they want more recognition for the work they do.

    Depending on the circumstances of the dream, it can symbolize not feeling secure in other areas of your life or even fear of aging (even if it’s subconscious). It is a sign that you might be feeling insecure or lacking in confidence. If you’re dreaming about hair loss, it is important to analyze your feelings around this issue, be it in the dream or waking.

    Dreaming about someone cutting your hair

    Dreaming about getting a haircut can mean that you are ready for something new in your life. Maybe this feeling is prompted by something that happened during the day or even just thinking about something new and exciting in your life. Maybe you met someone or got an opportunity to try out a new activity and you are excited at the prospect of change and possibility.

    Dreaming about someone else cutting your hair can be another situation where you are allowing other people to direct your choices and direction in life, as well as what is happening in your physical appearance. It may mean that the people closest to you are directing what will happen with the rest of your life.

    Dreaming about cutting your own hair

    Dreams about cutting your hair can indicate something very different than just wanting a haircut! It may mean that there are things in your waking life that are no longer useful to you. Maybe there are old habits or routines, or maybe a relationship has ended and you want to do something new. If you’re cutting your own hair in a dream, it often means that you have some major decisions ahead of you and need to decide what you want to do next.

    Cutting your own hair can also mirror the idea of self-acceptance and what you are willing or not willing to accept about yourself. It might mean you are feeling insecure about what has happened in your waking life and how it could impact others. In this dream you may feel like you’re not getting the recognition or support that you need to make a change in your life.

    Dreams about long hair, short hair, color and style changes

    Dreams about changing styles, colors and length of hair can represent how we feel about ourselves as people or how we want to express ourselves to the world. It is natural to feel the need to change your hair color or style because it can be a superficial way of expressing yourself. This dream symbol can also represent wanting to express yourself in a different way. In waking life, people might want to do something new but hold back for whatever reason.

    Changing your hair in dreams can also indicate that you are ready for a change in how you present yourself physically or how you want other people to see you. But this type of dream can also indicate that you are trying too hard to be someone else or please others. It can be a warning to stay true to who you are and not lose yourself.

    Dreaming that your hair is falling out

    Dreaming about your hair falling out can mean that you are feeling uncertain about your progress in life. You might feel like you aren’t getting the recognition or appreciation for all of your hard work, or you might feel like you aren’t progressing as fast as you had wished. Whatever the case, this dream can also symbolize something larger and more meaningful.

    This dream might also be a sign that you are tired of being judged by others. Or maybe you’re tired of being controlled or manipulated by someone else in some way.

    What does it mean if your hair doesn’t grow back at all? Dreaming about this type of dream can mean that you are feeling discouraged about yourself. It can also be a sign that there is something deeply wrong with what’s going on in your waking life and how you are dealing with it. Perhaps, it means that there is no way to revert things back to the way they used to be.

    If you dream that your hair is falling out, but it grows back in the dream, this is a sign that you are feeling hopeful and optimistic about the future. It can also mean that you feel your life is on the right track.

    Pulling hair out of your mouth

    Dreaming about pulling hair from your mouth often means that you are trying to control what is being said out of your mouth. This is a common dream for people are feeling insecure about their words. It can also mean that you are feeling embarrassed about the way you have said something recently. This same dream symbol can occur for people who cut their own hair in a dream, where they are feeling frustrated that they did not do a good job with their words.

    Dreaming about bugs in your hair

    Dreaming about bugs in your hair might mean that something in your life is not working out as you had hoped. Insects or bugs can point to things that are bugging you in your waking life or in relationships with others. Insects often show up in dreams as a symbol of something in our lives we haven’t been taking care of or dealing with responsibly. They can also symbolize fears of being invaded or the feeling of being violated by others.

    Bug dreams often indicate that there are things in your life that are scaring you, maybe in small ways or in larger ways. Sometimes this type of dream can be about an infestation or invasion and it can symbolize the actual presence of something that is taking control of your life. Bugs also represent problems, annoyances, and issues in our lives. And if you find a way to get rid of these bugs, it can mean a positive change will occur soon.

    Other common dreams about hair

    Dreaming about seeing your hair growing is a symbol of something new and exciting happening in your life. This could be some new opportunity, a change of scenery in your career, or even something more romantic, like meeting someone new.

    Dreams about shaving your head can mean two things in some situations. The first thing is that you are feeling unmotivated to do something or take part in an activity that you have been putting off. The second thing is that you might be going through a stressful time and you feel like cutting your hair would help you release some of the tension. Perhaps you are in need to show to the world that you’re going through a radical transformation within yourself, or that you have been going through a time of excessive change.

    Dreaming about being bald can mean that you need to try new things, leave behind some old habits, or simply wake up from hibernation. If you are bald in a dream, it can also mean you are feeling insecure about your appearance or that you need to make a change in how you want to look.

    Dreaming about having very long hair can mean that you are ready for something new and exciting in your life. It could also be a sign that you feel like doing things differently, or that someone is paying attention to what you have been doing.

    Dreaming about ear hair is often symbolic of something in your waking life being overlooked or taken for granted. Generally, this symbol shows that people are not giving enough thought to what matters the most to them, and therefore they aren’t getting the attention they deserve. The other sense for this dream is that you are feeling ignored, perhaps by a romantic partner.

    Dreaming about your hair turning grey can suggest that the process of aging can be both physically and psychologically stressful. Dreams about going gray or losing your hair may indicate that you are feeling depressed and anxious about getting older. This dream can also mean that you feel your youth slipping away from you. Consider how you are feeling about aging, both physically and psychologically and how it is affecting you.

    A dream about hair turning white or changing color often represents a situation where we feel overwhelmed by our circumstances, stressed out, and unable to cope with problems in our lives. It is important to consider what is causing this sense of stress or anxiety in your life right now. The dream may also be telling you that you’re feeling disappointed, unappreciated, or ready to move on.

    Having an excessive amount of hair represents a feeling of insecurity or overwhelm. Your anxiety is all too real and the dream is here to tell you that your life situation needs more attention than it’s getting. Consider the circumstances leading up to the dream, who else is involved and how long your hair is actually growing. For example, a long, healthy ponytail can represent contentment or strong beliefs in yourself.

    If your hair is being pulled, it can indicate anxiety about your appearance or the way you feel about something at the moment. Consider what’s causing this anxiety. Is it real or just in your head? What are you hoping to get out of the situation? Does it represent a need to fit in with others, or a need to stand out?

    If you hair is being teased, the dream could be referring to something that’s annoying you or someone else and you are trying to figure out how to deal with it.

    Messy hair can represent something messy in your life. It may be a mess of feelings, thoughts, or behaviors. It can also represent the way you feel about yourself. A messy, uncombed set of unkempt hair can reflect the chaotic state of many people’s lives and can express feelings of feeling unappreciated or disrespected.

    Hair breaking off is often a sign of insecurity, failure, or other issues with pride. Consider if the dream represents something in your life that is hurting your confidence or sense of self worth and see what it has to say about this issue for yourself. Alternatively, it can also indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed by something in your life or not feeling good about some aspect of your life.

    Dreams involving a radical change in haircuts can reflect rebellion, being “different” and looking different from others by not following the norms and establishing expectations for how one should look. This can also mean that you want change in your life or want to stand out from others and be different than them with your behavior.


    The symbolism behind hair in your dreams can depend on the meaning of your hair in waking life, but it’s often a sign that something has to change. Dreams about hair can also reflect self-esteem and confidence. It can symbolize growing or loss of power and control in your life. Hair is a part of the body and reflects physical health, so it can also indicate that you are feeling strong or weak.

    Hair dreams may also have to do with sex, passion, sensuality and beauty. Hair is often eager to make a statement! Dreams about hair may be trying to tell you something about how you feel in your waking life, or they may be a reflection of some kind of issue like stress or anxiety. Whatever it means to you when you dream about hair, dreams give you an opportunity to explore this very human aspect of you own story.

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