10+ Meanings of Zombies in Dreams That Will Revive Your Spirit

Just because the zombie apocalypse seems like an unlikely thing that will happen does not change how powerful and real it can feel when we’re dreaming about it… There are many interpretations of the dream of being chased by the living dead that have been traced back to different myths, cultures, and medieval folk tales. What they all have in common is the representation of struggles that might be lurking inside of us. If you are having a dream where you are chased by zombies, here are a few things to consider to help figure out its meaning.

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    Zombie Dream Meanings Revealed

    An issue that just “won’t die”

    A zombie dream may be a symbol of struggles that need to be finished in your life, but you’ve been avoiding them. Or you may have tried to fix the problem, but it just won’t go away. The zombies represent that issue that won’t die.

    It could also mean that you are struggling with some aspect of yourself (some personality trait or behavior pattern) and the dream is calling you to do something about this character defect so that the stress and anxiety can finally be resolved.

    If you are having a dream where you are being chased by zombies, it may be asking you to face whatever is blocking your progress in waking life. If you’re killing zombies in your dream, the issue may not be about death, but about dying to your old habits, behavior patterns, or lifestyle – or wanting to solve a recurring issue.

    💬 Interpretation Tip

    Some people have learned to deal with their inner demons, but they realize that whenever they forget about them, the monsters return. This is part of the natural process of growing up – we push away our fears and anxieties and try to repress them in order to make life bearable. But we are not really giving these fears a chance to resolve themselves or to let us live a healthy and productive life. What happens then is that these fears get out of control and manifest as nightmares or other kinds of unwanted psychological difficulties in waking life.

    An inner conflict

    In the old days, zombies represented the souls of people who had been killed or committed suicide and were now wreaking havoc. The supernatural aspect of these dreams may be about elusive fears and anxieties about some uncomfortable aspects of your life – career, family, or other areas that you feel are out of control.

    In some cases, this dream may indicate that you feel responsible for what is wrong in your life but are helpless to stop it unless you take charge and begin to take matters into your own hands. Zombies then reflect a major conflict going on with yourself that you have been ignoring.

    Dreams project reflections of ourself through the various dream symbols they feature. So in your dream, you are likely to be both the zombie and the victim. The personified zombies represent unresolved issues or parts of yourself that you have not dealt with. The zombie is chasing you because it represents your own inner conflict which has taken on a life of its own.

    A representation of our inner demons

    In your waking life, you may not know how to stop your own inner demons (featured in your dream as zombies). They are the parts of yourself which you have been ignoring and trying to repress and that feed on fear, anxiety, anger, or an addiction of some kind.

    In dreams, when you are not ready to face your own inner demons, so the enemy is acting out on you by stalking you and attacking you. You might feel like you can’t deal with this conflict because it is too overwhelming to manage on your own or the consequences would be too painful.

    Zombies and the shadow self

    The zombie in your dream may represent part of your personality that is not really all that happy about who you are – especially if you dream that you’re a zombie or have zombie-like qualities. In some cases, this can be a repressed aspect of your personality that has been very troubling to you. In that way, zombie dreams help us to connect with our shadow side.

    The shadow side of our personality represents those qualities and emotions that we have suppressed in ourselves, but still exist within. People usually repress their shadow side because they consider it to be something negative or shameful . We might have rejected a part of ourselves because it is not “acceptable” within us. It might feel like a big burden to carry around inside us. We may not want to take this part with us into the rest of our life, but it’s there to stay, hidden between dark and light, like shadows in between.

    The shadow side of our personality sometimes emerges in dreams as zombies. These uncivilized and violent aspects of ourselves has been repressed. Dreaming of zombies can represent our own shadow self coming to get us in your dreams. Our shadow side is something that we all have, and faces us constantly, especially when we’re faced with challenging issues in life. The dream is a warning that there are some aspects of ourselves that need to be looked at in order to resolve a problem.

    💬 Interpretation Tip

    Once you acknowledge and face the shadow side of yourself, it will no longer be able to harass you. It will still be a part of you, but it won’t control you or your personality anymore. It will no longer be so frightening or difficult to feel.

    A dramatic situation in your waking life

    It is possible that the dream is a metaphor for a particular struggle in your waking life. Perhaps you are going through a difficult time at work or at home, or maybe something else has come up that makes you feel frustrated or angry. You may be feeling out of control and powerless in this situation, just as the zombie can overwhelm and overcome its victims.

    An intense dream featuring zombies can be a dramatic and emotional way of expressing the emotional or psychological impact of this kind of situation. The similarities between the way zombies act in dreams and how real people act in dramatic situations can sometimes be striking.

    Anxiety or depression

    Zombie dreams can help us understand that our own fears or worries have taken over our minds, which creates deep levels of anxiety and sometimes depression. In these dreams, the monsters can represent the mental suffering we are dealing with.

    Like the zombies in our dreams, we sometimes feel that there is no escape from some dreadful emotions or feelings within us. And we can be paralyzed by these feelings, paralyzed in many ways such as avoiding the things which disturb us. This can lead to a sense of helplessness and hopelessness. The zombies represent this feeling in our waking life.

    💬 Interpretation Tip

    Stress, anxiety and depression are very much a part of the dream world. When we experience these things in our waking life, they can also appear in our dreams. Dreams are designed to show us how we feel and why we feel this way. So , it is pretty normal and expected for your dream to show you a monster or some other frightening thing. By examining what is going on, we can see that there are people and situations in our waking life which are causing us trouble. Then, once we have identified what the problem is, it’s easier to find a solution and move on.

    Fear of insecurity

    A zombie dream might be telling you that something is out of control in your life and it is making you feel very anxious or fearful . You might be sensing that there are some real threats in your life or maybe something unsatisfying about your current situation that is getting to you. You may fear that things are going to get even worse if you don’t take steps to change them.

    Your dream is an invitation to reflect whether there are any issues causing you fear or insecurities in your life. Maybe there is something which bothers you about your job, school or work situation that hasn’t changed yet but seems to be getting worse. Maybe you feel trapped in a relationship that is making you miserable. The dream is showing you that it’s time to do something about these issues in your waking life.

    It can also be indicative of a fear of the end of something, like a relationship, or the end of an era in your life. In this way, zombie dreams can be very symbolic and show us that we need to make some changes or we will experience the consequences – whether good or bad – from not doing so.

    Animalistic drives in human form

    Zombies are most often depicted as humans but are vicious, aggressive and animal-like in their behavior and mannerisms. Human nature sometimes appears to have dark sides which are both animalistic and savage. Sometimes, human beings can be just as much like animals when angry and aggressive. The zombie in the dreams might also reflect a predatory animal instinct or behavior that you’ve been witnessing or experiencing lately.

    Perhaps you have been particularly fierce in your wake life, or perhaps someone else has been. The dream is telling you to watch out for the consequences of your actions, which can sometimes lead to situations that create new problems with some very real dangers attached to them.

    💬 Interpretation Tip

    Think about whether there was anyone who bothered you in a particular way while they were angry or aggressive. The zombie can represent the frightening part of that person, which you had no idea existed before – it’s actually a side of them which came out when they were enraged at you or another person.

    Our zombie-self and lack of self-confidence

    Zombies in dreams may represent a lack of self-confidence and how we think about ourselves. For example, if in your dream you were moving slowly and were clumsy, this might reflect how low self-esteem feels inside of us, or how we may feel that we are being weighed down by negative emotions. We may be trying to walk through life as we think we should, or we may be feeling as if we shouldn’t even try. This kind of thing is common when we feel insecure or have low self-esteem.

    The zombie represents this kind of negative self-image, which can be particularly frightening for some people to see in a dream because it is so immediate, real and intense. In this way, the dream might be telling you to examine how you’re feeling about yourself and whether there is something that is causing you to feel bad about yourself. Is there something in your life that makes you let yourself down?

    Depleted energy

    Another interpretation is that the zombies are a metaphor for feeling depleted of energy, especially in relation to being drained from your day-to-day responsibilities at work or home. You’re just not fully functioning anymore. You may be in a zombie-like state of mind or feeling unwell, as if you are being drained of your energy and feelings of vitality.

    If so, you need to look at whether there is anyone who drains you out of your energy without giving anything back – maybe they are draining the joy out of you or they have taken your energies and vitality with no consequences, but not giving them back. The zombie dream may be telling you that it is time for you to get yourself out of a bad situation, one which is not giving you any emotional or spiritual rewards , although it might be giving you other kinds of rewards such as money, fun or security.

    Zombies and addictive behavior

    The zombie represents the addictive behavior which has come to control your life, as if you’re feeding on it or feeding off it, leaving you in a state of semi-living with no real purpose. Addictive behaviors are the kind of things that seem to have a grip on us and don’t let go. This can be seen in the zombie state with an addicted person.

    Perhaps you are addicted to something which has very much sucked out the life forces out of you. Have you been overusing something like alcohol, drugs or sweets which make you feel tired, lethargic and irritable? Or perhaps it is more subtle and the addiction could be something like television, social media or working too much.

    The dream may be telling you that there are side-effects to this addiction and that your life is becoming dull, uninspiring and not enjoyable. If so, then the dream is an indication that you need to change this bad habit because it’s making your life worse and not better.

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    Zombie dream scenarios and their interpretation

    If you dream about being chased by zombies, you are being reminded to deal with unresolved issues that have been lurking in the back of your mind.

    If you dream that you’re attacked by a zombie, you might be experiencing an inner struggle between old and new ways of dealing with certain issues.

    If you dream about zombies trying to get into your home and scare the people who live there, then it can represent the fear that other people are invading and trying to come into your life. They are trying to steal your energy or control things.

    Dreaming about killing a zombie may indicate a struggle to deal with someone who has power over you or an inner conflict with contradictory thoughts and feelings.

    Dreaming that you become a zombie may suggest an inner transformation, where you accept parts of yourself that have been repressed. Alternatively, it might represent the fear of losing control or draining your energy .

    If you dream about being alone with and protecting yourself from zombies, then it may be that an unintegrated part of yourself, or some kind of shadow, has taken over.

    If you dream about zombies in a movie theater, then it could be signaling to you that you need to get out of your comfort zone and experience new things.

    If zombies are chasing someone through a city, then you might be experiencing the feeling of being trapped in a situation. There is something happening in your life that is keeping you trapped or trapped within yourself. The city represents society and all its rules and regulations… things in life that can keep us trapped inside ourselves or prevent us from going forward with our life goals.

    If you dream that you are avoiding zombies, then it might suggest that you are afraid to deal with certain issues and problems within yourself.

    If you have a dream about fighting with a zombie, then this might be a sign that you are trying to come to terms with someone who has lost their power over you.

    Dreaming about zombies killing other people and being violent, it can be a reflection of your own aggression and frustration towards others that seems unprovoked or unjustified. It might also reflect your own attempt to deal with unwanted aspects of your personality or behavior.

    Zombie acopalypse dreams and their meaning

    The zombie apocalypse might be a dream about your fear of the present moment, or a fear of the future, but through the symbol of zombies there might be something telling you that it is quite unlikely that anything too bad is going to happen.

    You may have suffered some kind of trouble in the past and felt deeply scared about it happening again. This dream may be telling you that whatever happened in the past will not occur again, or if it does repeat itself, then at least you now know how to deal with it… perhaps as an experience of learning a lesson which made you wiser.

    Dreaming about killing zombies and its interpretation

    To kill a zombie in a dream means that you are refusing to take responsibility for your own actions and behavior. It serves as a reminder to examine what is happening in your life and the role you are playing in it.

    The dream may be suggesting that you need to step up and confront the current circumstances of your life, or at least acknowledge your part in events that have occurred. You need to make an active attempt to handle the situation yourself instead of allowing others to do it for you… but only after acknowledging your part in how it’s going.

    It may also represent an attempt to come to terms with a situation in your waking life. For example, you may have lost someone close to you and are trying to come to terms with this or fighting-off your grief. If it’s not a constant problem but rather something that keeps coming up over and over again, this may be causing you troubles.

    Dreaming about being bitten by a zombie

    A dream that you are a Zombie or have been bitten and turned into one may represent an issue in your life that you have become numb or ‘dead’ to. You have been so busy with life and stuff that you may not be fully experiencing what is going on around you. You may not be feeling your feelings and experiencing your emotions as well as you could because of this busyness, which has numbed down how alive you feel.

    Alternatively, a zombie bite can represent some kind of pain in your life that has been bothering you for a long time. You may have left it alone because you have been too busy to fix it and not really wanted to face this pain… but now is the time to face it as a symbol of something that needs resolving within yourself.

    Having been bitten by zombies can also be a warning about something possibly lurking in your life, trying to get you to make some kind of mistake. It could be an act of aggression by something that is bothering you, or the need to find out more about the issue that is troubling you.


    The zombies in our dreams represent those aspects of ourselves that we have repressed: our shadow side, our darkest fears and what we might be struggling with in life. We may feel we cannot deal with the conflict that these aspects of ourselves represent, so our inner demons take over and attack us. In this way, they remind us that this is something that we need to look at in order to resolve it once and for all. As we continue to face these things and learn how to accept them, they will no longer be scary.

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