10 Monkey Dream Meanings That Will Help You Focus On What Really Matters

When a monkey appears in a dream, it likely represents a mischievous sense of playfulness, but in the case of a negative or fearful dream, this animal can present difficulties and obstacles. Let’s take a closer look at what monkeys mean in dreams.

Dreaming about a monkey

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    Monkey Dream Meanings Revealed

    The monkey – an aspect of ourselves that is mischievous

    Many myths and fairy tales feature the trickster – an animal who uses cunning and deception to get its way. Take the example of the Monkey King. He’s “perhaps the most enduring figure in Chinese literature and folklore. He is the ultimate bad boy made good – he causes havoc in heaven, uproar under the sea, returns from the dead to continue his mischief, and even survives the fires of heaven,” says James Trapp.

    The monkey in our dreams can relate to this archetype. It defies authority and is likely to reveal an underlying penchant for being a “troublemaker.”

    The monkey, the prankster of the jungle, can bring out both the best and the bad in us. This animal reflects acts we did with mischievousness, that may have been deemed “childish”, or a situation when we placed ourselves outside of social norms for the purpose of having fun.

    It could represent an aspect of ourselves that is mischievous and playful or an aspect of another person we know well. In this case, look at how the monkey is behaving in the dream and if they remind you of someone you know.

    💬 Interpretation Tip

    Monkeys are great helpers at times, but their mischief is tricky. When dealing with a monkey in your dream, you may be having difficulty forgiving yourself or others for hurtful or mischievous behaviors.

    A cunning influence in your life

    Monkeys and their mischief can depict tricks played on us by someone else: one of our family members, co-workers or friends. If you were to interpret the meaning of a dream about monkeys, pay attention to how you may either have been tricked lately or how you tricked someone else.

    The way the monkey acts in the dream may be a reflection of how you recently have used cunning and deception to get your way. If you have been trying to win someone over in a persuasive way, the monkey in your dream could be a reflection of that.

    A dream about monkeys could also symbolize someone who has used cunning and deception to get their way. In this case, examine your dream for clues about who could play this role in your life.

    An obstacle that shows up unexpectedly

    A dream featuring monkeys could also relate to an obstacle that appears suddenly and unexpectedly. The monkey represents an upsetting aspect that comes out of nowhere, just as a monkey appears quickly and unexpectedly in the wild.

    In this case, the monkey could be an expression of something negative that appears behind your back or out of a situation you have had no control over. This could be anything from a significant life change to a minor event that upsets your routine.

    💬 Interpretation Tip

    Set boundaries. Sometimes, we take others’ behavior too seriously and react to things that are not really a concern or worth reacting to. The monkey suggests that you should set limits in your relationships and not let anyone cross those lines.

    Creativity and resourcefulness

    Because of its intelligence and dexterity, the monkey can serve as a symbol for our own high level of adaptability. We all have inner resources that allow us to act quickly in new circumstances.

    If we take the example of the Monkey King, once more, we can find other aspects of this archetypal figure “representing resistance, longing for freedom, and a somewhat individualistic heroism,” says Qin Yang the study “Cross-cultural Variation: Chinese Monkey King Legend as a Trickster in America”.

    The monkey is good at improvising so it can survive in a difficult environment where other animals cannot thrive. In this sense, dreaming about a monkey is an indication that we can overcome certain situations by pulling off clever improvisations when needed.

    You might be distracted by the wrong things

    Instead of focusing on what is important, you have a tendency to be obsessed with trivial matters. This dream will make you focus more on the things that really matter in your life and make you realize what is important to you.

    The monkey is often used to represent distraction. In this case, the monkey could be oneself being distracted so that you do not get to focus on what needs to be done or a source of distraction in your life that has the potential to keep you from getting to where you want to be.

    A sign to take a moment an relax

    Take a moment to relax, just like the monkey in your dream. The monkey can also be a representation of your playful side that you may have forgotten about. It can be a symbol of your fun and loving personality. So this dream is to remind you that it’s ok to play and enjoy yourself once in a while.

    It is likely a reflection of these qualities in your life. It can also be about your own playful side that you may have forgotten about or not had an opportunity to express recently.

    💬 Interpretation Tip

    Sometimes, we take ourselves or a situation too seriously. The monkey’s sense of humor can help you laugh at serious aspects of your life. When taking a dream interpretation into account, keep in mind that the monkey’s behavior in the dream may reflect someone else whose playful side you know well.

    A more sinister animal

    A nightmare featuring a scary or menacing monkey is likely a reflection of a person or situation in your waking life that is bothering you and making you feel upset.

    It could also be symbolic of something from your past that has resurfaced because you have recently been thinking about it. If the dream features a monkey that is chasing or attacking you, it could reflect something from your life that makes you feel uncomfortable and unsettled.

    A dream about a menacing animal can represent an aspect of your own personality that is unexpectedly aggressive or difficult to control. The monkey can also be representative of someone in your waking world who is acting unnaturally aggressive or rude to you.

    An aspect of our untamed self

    Monkeys represent the part of ourselves that is instinctive and impulsive. They are wild, unpredictable animals that are difficult to tame, which symbolizes the part of us that is still wild at heart.

    Depending on the dream scenario, it may represent our primitive self, which might be in conflict with our civilized self, or just a call to be more spontaneous in our life.

    The monkey can also refer to impulsive thoughts we have sometimes acted upon, which end up creating even more issues for ourselves than we initially set out for. It symbolizes some negative aspect of yourself that is causing trouble and needs to be dealt with.

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    Dream Scenarios Featuring Monkeys And Their Interpretation

    What does it mean when you dream about a monkey chasing you?

    If you are running from a monkey in your dream, it is possible that you are running from certain aspects of yourself or your life that you are trying to escape from. Being chased in dreams brings forth symbolism that may indicate an aspect of yourself that you are trying to run from.

    If a monkey is chasing you, it may be symbolic of a destructive force in your life that is trying to sabotage you or keep you from achieving something important.

    If you find it difficult to run away from the monkey, you may still be struggling with some difficult aspects of your life. If a monkey is chasing you in a dream but does not catch you, it could suggest that you will overcome certain issues.

    If the monkey chasing you is not trying to harm you and seems playful, the dream may simply be urging you to get moving or express yourself and be more active.

    What does it mean when a monkey is aggressive and attacking you?

    The monkey may represent an aspect of yourself. If this is the case, it could be your own anger or frustration that is getting out of hand. Alternatively, it can also be a reflection of someone in your life who has been acting aggressively towards you or has the potential to cause trouble.

    What does it mean when you dream about a monkey sitting on your back?

    The monkey may represent an issue or influence that is weighing you down. It is preventing you from doing what you need to do. The monkey may represent a person, place or thing in your life that has been bothering you for a long time now and has hung over your head for far too long.

    It could be a symbol of how someone else’s problem that they are facing has become something you need to take care of. You will have to act fast before this problem becomes yours as well.

    It can also mean that you are feeling pressured by others’ expectations of you. It could feature someone who is taking advantage of your help because they keep coming to you with problems.

    What does it mean when you see a baby monkey in your dream?

    If you see a baby monkey in your dream, it is a symbol of innocence and new beginnings. It can be a sign that you are ready for a change.

    It could mean that you have just realized something about yourself that needs to be changed or which requires a new or better direction. You’re ready to start moving in the direction that you need to go in order to make things better for yourself.


    Monkeys in a dream may also have both positive and negative connotations depending on the context of your dream. It can represent things that are impulsive or untamed, or things you are ignoring or inappropriate enough to not bother dealing with.

    The monkey in our dreams speaks to our desire to be more spontaneous, playful and spontaneous in waking life. It asks us to think outside the box and not let fear rule our lives. We must also beware of ignoring wisdom through foolishness or taking unnecessary risks with little forethought.

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